The most successful businesses don’t rely on a few star performers; they create a performance culture across the entire organisation.
Our advisory practice supports your business in developing effective strategies for talent, succession and organisational development. Whether it’s hybrid working, digital transformation, diversity and inclusion or any other issue with people at its heart, our partners can advise on the right strategy for success.

A system-wide perspective.
Every organisation needs to evolve and adapt to be fit to face the future. This applies to key individuals, to teams, and to the enterprise as a whole.

Understanding born of experience.
The Strengths Unleashed team is made up of former business leaders from multiple sectors and disciplines. We understand the pressure to deliver. We’ve seen first-hand how complexity and unpredictabililty can undermine meticulous planning.
As advisors and coaches we bring an impartial detachment that can reveal insights hidden to those immersed in the relentless contest for results.
We are as comfortable analysing company culture and values as we are with the balance sheet; we understand the interplay between human and financial capital.
We advise our clients on existing and newly-emerging issues that include:
digital transformation
change management
mergers and acquisitions
business restructuring
organisational design
talent acquisition, retention and development
HiPo development
CEO and EXCO succession

“Change is the only constant”.
Clichéd but still true.
The ability to adapt to change is a core quality for every business. This puts a premium on high quality, effective leadership – to deliver the right operating model, organisational structure, or company culture for these times.
The Strengths Unleashed team are natural strategists, able to work at both the organisational and the human level – and to see the dynamics at play between them.
When applied at scale, our data-driven approach is powerful in revealing underlying patterns that are diagnostic of what needs to change, to release the full potential of your business, whether operating model, people or culture.
“The outside view from Strengths Unleashed gives me another dimension. The opportunity to review and reflect allowed me to see things I had not spotted. I can now push and promote people to develop their future abilities."
Dmitry Samarin. CEO, RETN Ltd.

The future just keeps on coming.
Issues such as hybrid working, health and wellbeing, and DEI have a new urgency. Others – like digital transformation – continue to present new challenges as the shape of the business environment changes.
Organisations can no longer afford to ignore the impact of climate change. And we’re barely getting started with AI’s remaking of the workplace.
In this complex, ever-changing landscape we work with business leaders to help them comprehend and navigate this challenging terrain.