Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash
Second Spring Leaders - Wellbeing Programme
Maintaining performance while contending with menopause
Menopause has a habit of manifesting just as the demands of life and career are at their peak. For women in leadership positions, the responsibilities and expectations of performance are higher than ever. This does not just stay within the bounds of work - for those raising a family, it also overlaps with the demanding times of this too.
According to research from the Fawcett Society
44% of women with menopausal symptoms said it had affected their ability to do their jobs
61% of women said they had lost motivation
52% of women said they had lost confidence at work
As a result of these challenges, the CIPD estimates that nearly a quarter of women aged 40 to 60 have either left work or have considered leaving.
​​To tackle this challenge, we like to draw upon the traditional Chinese medicine’s term for menopause, the 'Second Spring'. The Second Spring Leaders programme is founded on the principle that menopause should be seen as a new and fruitful stage in life, and not as a loss of youthful function. We wanted to create a wellbeing programme that can help women reconnect with their strengths as a leader, to regain confidence in their abilities and help guide how to embrace the change, to grow and be able to come back better. ​
To mark and embrace these new beginnings, join us for our Second Spring Leaders programme. Designed to take place over 6-months, for senior executives who are approaching, experiencing, or are post-menopause.
Our next Second Spring Leaders cohort is coming soon!​
Second Spring Leaders is broken down into three key parts:
A two-hour one-to-one induction session with one of our business coaches facilitating the programme. Time will be spent debriefing the strengths and values-based self-assessments and exercises completed in advance as well as a discussion to understand ‘what makes you tick’ and why, to help reconnect with your strengths as a leader.
Connect with like-minded women at our London based, two-day retreat. The cohort will be made up of twelve peers (maximum) and facilitated by our Strengths Unleashed Partners, experienced teachers, business coaches and advisors with specialist expertise in this area.
The Yoga & Coaching retreat will take place over two days, with 2 nights’ stay as well as all meals. ​Over the two days, the programme will cover:
Western and Eastern perspectives on menopause
Cognitive strategies to cope better with symptoms
Menopause yoga, breathwork and meditation to support bones, brain, heart, and spirit
How to cover the conversation with your colleagues and employees
Sharing of knowledge and experience within the selected group
Problem-solving techniques including peer-to-peer support
To help refresh and deepen the practical and emotional knowledge gained at the retreat, the programme continues for four months - with monthly online group follow-ups.
Each two-hour session will include one hour of menopause yoga - including breathwork and meditation, and one hour of group discussion, knowledge sharing, and further exploration of topics selected by the group.
Contact us below for more information and to book your place.
Ready to celebrate your Second Spring?
For more information about our programme and to book your place, simply fill in the contact form.
Don’t worry - we won’t use your information for anything else other than contacting you about the programme.
Or if you’d rather email one of the team directly, email us at secondspring@strengthsunleashed.com
We look forward to speaking to you!